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Sneha Photos
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Food & Restaurant $ 1.00 Food and Restaurant
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Food & Restaurant $ 1.00 Food and Restaurant
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Describe 3-5 dishes that you sampled, not all of them.To acknowledge a good meal and comment on the taste of the food, you can say:What a fantastic meal!We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.That was a delicious meal.It was a very satisfying meal.No one wants to read a laundry list of foods, so pick the foods that made the greatest impression on you (good or bad) and focus your writing on these dishes. Don't just say if they were good or bad. Strive to give details and reasons, naming each specific di
Reposted Sneha's post.
Amogam grow big
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Amogam grow big
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good product
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Reposted Sneha's photo.
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